January 11, 2024
Happy New Year!
During the month of January we often make New Year's resolutions. These are promises to ourselves to improve our lifestyle in some way. The truth is that changing our routines or habits is hard. It can take more than 66 days to actually take that resolution and form it into a habit. It takes work and mental effort to become healthier. And in a funny way, we do this during the coldest part of the year when all we want to do is curl up and feel warm. While every bug, cold and virus is out in force, we all promise to exercise, eat healthier and be more active.
So we do! We get out there and take a brisk walk in the cold, meet up with friends, and stop eating that extra helping of pasta and soon after our systems are feeling taxed with all the new stressors and perhaps in whisks a terrible head cold.
So, feeling sick, we stop exercising and lose hold of the beginnings of our new habit. Then, we feel defeated and revert back to our regular habits. It is easy to forget that it takes upward of two months to add a new difficult, sometimes exhausting habit.
Just remember you are a human and sometimes you need help. Find some way to mark the days you have succeeded in exercising or feel proud for refusing that extra cookie. I like using a calendar so I can see how many days I have won the battle of exercising. I also love to share my triumphs and misses with a good supportive friend or partner. I, of course, use my mother Tamar. The support of an understanding and thoughtful healthcare practitioner can guide you and find ways to make those nine weeks more achievable and help you to become a healthier person.
Tamar Laderman is available for appointments Monday-Thursday.
You are welcome to make an appointment by going to www.tamarcares.com
Make sure to check out TamarCares on facebook or Tamarladermanfnp on instagram, Tamar is doing a whole series right now on Anemia.
We are offering a special until the end of January right now for Moms and their babies up to 2 years old. 25% off for both new and returning appointments. (Just mention in the additional notes that you are making an appointment for both baby and momma)
Please spread the word to any moms you know that could use some supportive care. Because when mama is feeling good the baby is happier, and when the baby is feeling good mama is happier.
Have a great day,
Lael LaRanger
Business manager
Tamar Cares LLC