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Available Adult Services

Welcome to a new way to improve your health

No matter what you're struggling with, I'm here to help.

You might be struggling with:


Menstrual Cramps

black cohosh

Hormonal Imbalance

Poison Ivy causes rashes

Rashes or Eczema

Aloe Vera

Constipation or Diarrhea


Bloating or GERD







Lemmon Balm


Tamar Cares offers :


Whole Body Wellness 

Nutritional Guidance

Supplements and herbs 


As a medically trained and board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner, Tamar Laderman offers specialty healthcare services that integrate all aspects of wellness.


She can order all your lab testing, make sure you’re aware of all the recommended screenings, discuss the best choices for you, and be there for anything that comes up in between.


"I combine my conventional medical training, my thirty-one years of experience in homeopathy, and my gifts as a healer to create a unique wellness experience for you."

~Tamar Laderman, F.N.P.-B.C.


In one visit, we might…

Discuss the physiology behind your symptoms,

Order diagnostic testing to uncover the root of those symptoms,

Perform a detailed visual and discussion based exam,

Discuss a Homeopathic remedy,

Review what supplements or prescription medication you are currently taking

Uncover any emotional causes of your symptoms,


And more….


 I am a family nurse practitioner. I know that having a functional family is part of achieving optimal health. If you worry and are stressed about a family member they too may benefit from my care.

If you have a child click here for more information. 

Schedule Your New Patient Appointment 

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